Larry and I trolled around "old" Lubbock the other day. "Old" Lubbock is just about anything north of 82ND Street. The duplex we lived in from the time I was three until I turned eight was at 1911 B Thirteenth Street. And my grandmother's house was several blocks away on Fifteenth Street. Both places seemed HUGE to me, my grandmother's in particular. There were big trees out by the street, a front porch with a swing hidden behind honeysuckle vines, and a side yard obscured by an amazing trumpet vine. It's amazing both houses are still standing. So much of "old" Lubbock has been levelled -- in 1972 by a tornado, and then more recently by a real estate developer's bulldozers. He's putting up block after block of apartment buildings to accommodate the student population of Texas Tech.
But there they were, considerably less imposing than I had them in my mind's eye. And here I'll put them....just to remember and be glad: I'm not there any more.
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